Don't you know? The sky is blue.

The same day I got my dog Bailey, I walked him in Forest Park in St. Louis and caught this amazing shot of the sky. Love, love. One of the rare times I actually like my zoom lens.

This Thing Called Spring

Fresh green, bright yellows and playing around with different focuses and DOFs.

I thinkI may blow this one up

My Bro'

My brother stopped by one day and I decided to take some pics. Well, he decided to start posing. Happy with the way these came out. All 9 pics I took, I like and of course, I have one or two favorites. Macro lens for all shots.


These are pictures that I took of my dog Bailey on the day I got him. I got lucky with these shots. Now, when I try to take his picture, he moves when the camera clicks and it all ends up a blur. You'll see.
He's a 2 yr old Morkie (maltese, yorkie mix) and couldn't be a better best friend.

The only way I could get him to sit still while snapping a pic was to rub his belly. He was oblivious!